Thursday, September 30, 2010

Why Sagebrush, God, and Cowgirls in the same place?

Why Sagebrush, God, and Cowgirls in the same place?

The reason is because that is about what kind of range you can expect as far as topics go. Feel free to add anything you would like but let's keep it within topic. You're free to start your own topic, with my approval of course but the spectrum in here lies between Sagebrush, God, and cowgirls. Actually, I'm going to have to remove God from the topics. To be quite frank, I'm not sure your God is the same God I call God, so to alleviate any controversy  or anything like that, I'm going to leave God (& religion in general) off limits on the topic docket. One thing I hope we can agree on, "Thank God for cowgirls!!"

 There will be posts related to technology, but never mind those, they're just requirements for a certain discipline I've gotten myself into.

OK, so let's just get it rollin' with a little campfire chat. Deer season (Buck Centerfire) opens this weekend and for all of us who aren't as skilled as the mighty archer, we get our chance to take that prize buck. Whether it be for meat or trophy or both, the adrenaline is still the same. There is absolutely nothing that can compare to harvesting an animal that you have to stalk, be wary of their skills in sight and sound, not to mention smell, and be able to get within a fair shooting distance, lock your eyes behind the sights/optics and place the shot you've been trying to achieve since you started shooting the gun now locked within nearly sweaty palms. It all happens so fast. One minute you're siting on your prize, the next you're jumping up & down, hootin' and a'hollerin', or maybe a more somber celebration that becomes more internalized as you feel a spiritual connection to the animal and the joining of spirits as you consume the meat of your prey. Either way, it is an accomplishment that has paid off. Whether you just got lucky or if you spent months of preparation and time on the range to get ready for this moment, it has happened! You are feeling it! You have been rewarded! Now it's time to go claim the prize!

OK, there's one angle you might see in here. There may be many more and even very dis-similar to this topic.So between Sagebrush------------------------------------&-----------------------------cowgirls, I'm sure we can keep this place interesting. Oh yea, politics & abortion are off limits too.

Rock on, Write up, and may your next day be your best day.

Carmen, oooot


OK folks, here's one of those techno posts I warned you about. It certainly isn't required reading for anyone interested in this blog but none-the-less it must be done and the appropriate readers are more than welcome to comment.

Tech Tales 2010-
What's new? You would assume Windows Office 2010 is new. It's not. It's just been in development during the downtime after the great Windows debacle, (do you remember Adobe) that allowed Mac back in the door. Sorry, that's not what I'm going to talk about, there are more interesting things out there to talk about. Like ESPN's newly formatted homepage with a quicker file structure making access to pertinent sites much more easy. Sorry, that's not what I'm going to talk about either.

Thanks to my friends at aka, the Tech Freshies, I have learned that there is more superfluous crap on the market today than ever before. Take for example a $25k scanner. Given, it is a "production" scanner but my gawd, twenty-five thousand dollars!?! This thing had better milk my cows too. There are some cool things out there for you Androids (aka Android users.) A new 10" touch screen tablet is making it's way onto the market and is under $300. Just like the iPad, this lil' droid does all the tasks you'd expect from an iPad with a different OS. Another little gem that caught my eye was the Warm-X Textiles shirt.
This shirt looks good on the model and it also produces 7% of the body's heat without electricity or even a hot wire. It's made from a polycolon microfibre that actually creates heat. It sure would make waking up on these cold central Oregon mornings a whole lot easier when you stay warm from the bed to the shower.... That wraps up this weeks Tech Tale. I know you all will be awaiting the next Tech Tale with baited breathe but I'm sorry to say it's a week away. Hang tight and all will be right in Mudville, if you're bored, go read up on the Warm-X shirt and see if they make long-johns.

Carmen ooooot