Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Just a view into realm of this writer's perspective.

Not last night but the night before, 99 rebels came knockin' @ my door....

Rebel, Yankee...Demo, Rep, dont mean nothing to me. I was born an American (poor white trash child) into a middle/lower class family. I have taken on the advantages of education, common sense, and good moral standing. All benefit the less privileged and I suggest a course in all of them for those of you who need a tune up. Being less privileged I've learned to find my way. What a wonderful way it has been. It's really not about the destination, IT'S ALL ABOUT THE JOURNEY. Taking to heart every step you take and every step you make opens the heart and soul to fulfillment. Really notice what is around you and what you are around. Why is it there? What is it doing? How long has it been there? Where did it come from? Just some questions you might ask yourself when wandering down the river trail or out in the badlands or even in Riverbend park or your driveway. Just think. Let the doors of your mind open up to you to see the glory Mother Nature has presented to us.

Fact is folks, we talk politics all the time but no one is TRULY concerned with the politics of our nature. I'm not going all greeny on y'all but in truth we need to listen to nature before we listen to ourselves. I'm only asking you open your eyes and see what is going on around you. See what the trees look like, see the bald spot on your lawn and wonder 'why', see if your trees have lichen or not, see if you have a new species of spider running around your house.

SEE. LOOK. OBSERVE.  Don't take life for granted, It's going on all around us all of the time. Take a breath and examine some life you dont usually live. Love to all and may the Cowgirls and the Sagebrush finally come to an agreement.

Sagebrush vs. Cowgirl

200 & Two days of closed negotiations have brought us 1 step closer to a full agreement. The CG's have given in on the running over SB while SB has not backed off growing over 6 feet tall.The CG's are miffed by offer and are threatening to pull the "running over SB" off the table. However all are inclined to buy the deal of : "You leave me alone and I'll leave you alone"

Unfortunately this agreement is still in the balance and yet to be solved. We (I) will give you updates as soon as anything happens.

As it stands, the Cowgirls and the Sagebrush are still working out a collective bargaining agreement. Hopefully they'll be done b4 the NBA, I need my cows moved by Sunday. BTW, If you're a CG named Sunday, you're welcome to move my cows, by Sunday.

Love is good, love is great, love is what they told me it was.

Take care & peace to all, and make sure the one's you love know it!


 Man I'm dressed heavy for summer.....Wayout Productions, Cry For No Sympathy, VI Dogs run a Boat & of course 3 Tards Moving. Be good and keep thinking. I'm naked now, you just can't see it! CG oot

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Twisted Seasons with no Rhyme or Reasons

Good to see you made it back. It seems winter has gone on forever. I started winter term in October, I believe, and had spring break a couple of weeks ago, and now it STILL feels like winter. It's friggin April 6th. OK, something is going on here. I'm not a big fan of the global warming theory however I have noticed a shift in the general climate. Where my perspective lives, it looks like winters are lasting longer, spring is becoming virtually 'non-existent', summer has become a fickle visitor, and autumn is only around as long as it takes for the leaves to turn from green to red/yellow/orange & fall off the tree. Sometimes winter wont even let that cycle complete itself before it sets forth it's blanket of frosty soldiers to chill the air and the earth. Anyway, something is up.
So for the winter term update. I didn't make the Dean's list this time around, missed it by one 'A'. I wound up with a 3.46 (A,A,B,A,B.) They're working some kind of funky voodoo on grades now where the +'s and the -'s actually count. So if I were to do the avg. it would be a 3.6 but one A was a minus and one B was a minus. So hence the paltry 3.46 and no trip to the Smart Guy Sheet. The term was a challenge in general. Unfortunately I learned that about the time I finally found my rhythm & the term was coming to an end. It's good to be back and re-establishing my rhythm for the spring term. Spring, I use that word so loosely right now. It's just Winter Jr. as far as I'm concerned. I'm glad to see buds on the trees but I'm fearful that they will not make it through this Winter Jr.
Sagebrush is still in the latter stages of hibernation and the cowgirls are dealing with cutting and branding right now, so negotiations are still on hold but we hope to get something going as soon as this snow finally decides to depart.
Thanks again for the visit and stay tuned. As the weather gets better, so does my "HandTongue". If you can't be with the one you love, BE CAREFUL. The one you're with might want to love you. Only use that old adage if it's a last resort and you can handle pulling the pin on that grenade. Take care everyone and make sure the ones you love know it! Night all.

Carmen oooooooooooooot!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Livin', Lovin', she's just a ... Cowgirl

Only in the CO

 Winter in the CO (Cent. OR) is in full swing as is my academic career. I know the term "academic career" is usually reserved for scholars and folks with the higher knowledge but I'm going to coin it for myself tonight. It is DEAD week at school and why the hell am I writing a blog instead of studying? Because I'm a procrastinator, damn it! I've always believed that fun makes for good work ethic. If it ain't fun (or, you can't make it fun) then it isn't worth while. So I'm having a lil fun before I begin my work. It puts you in a good head space if you go into something after having a good time or doing something you like to do. So I'm tuning up, if I had to answer my own question. 
So what's new? Anyone do anything cool this winter? I sure didn't, unless you count learning. Man, 17 credits keep a brother on lock down. All I've done this winter is study, then I'd come home and study, eat and study, wake up and study. You get the picture I'm sure. Speaking of pictures.......the following pictures are going to help clear up some confusion I've noticed going on around here.....Apparently, not too many of you know what a cowgirl is...
This is NOT a cowgirl
Judging from the caption, I'm sure you learned something here. At one point in time, this would have been my perfect cowgirl and by god she surely is a fine looking "cow-girl". However, like all things that age well, they become wiser and I learned what a real cowgirl is. This picture should put things into perspective:
These are COWGIRLS
This is the REAL thing baby! These are the girls I speak so highly of and admire like any artist appreciating another artists ability to do good work. Like all, there are good CG's and bad CG's but in general they all have a heart of gold, a work ethic unrivaled, and usually look pretty damn good in a pair of Wranglers. These are the ladies that are having the "row", "dust-up", "feud", "impasse" with our resident sagebrush. This guy right here:
This my friends is Mr. & Mrs. Artemesia tridentata, otherwise known as Big Sagebrush. As you can see they are wearing their winter coats at this time and look like they are in no mood for negotiations.That's where our battle lies right now folks. The cowgirls are busy, and the sage are hibernating. Hopefully by spring we'll reconvene and get these negotiations  back on track. Until then I have no new updates to bring to the surface, other than I did hear through the grapevine that sage may decide to grow shorter if the CG's ride lighter horses.....only a rumor but we'll see. I'll be back with a Winter term grade update and all of the happening in the in-be-tween with our Sage & CG's and all the other cool stuff that happens from now til then. Now it's off to study again....where have I heard that before?, thank goodness it's almost done. Love ya all. Take care and be good to yourselves. Tickle the ones who tickle you and kisses are recyclable, you can give them away forever and still have more than you can give away (my momma told me that when I was 3.) Peace

Carmen oooooooooooot...!