Acute: Fully believing in the fact that life is dynamic and ever changing and no one gave ME a map. It's all about the journey and the encounters along the way
You can all be both but what prevails? Do you think someone has more integrity because they believe 'tooth and nail' that "That's how it is, that's how it should be" or do you make decisions to fit the situation that make more common sense? Some rely on a library of past knowledge to guide their ship through the straights of indecision and others look at the truth at hand and focus their guidance from there to get the ship to port. I was brought up to believe that there was ONE way and that was the RIGHT way. After my fair share of years discovering that the stone left unturned is the stone with the answers, I tend to lean toward common sense. The whole staunch, stick to your ethics/values/culture, gig has run its course, in my opinion. I think an open eye and awareness is worth more than an established set of guidelines represent. Play the game, don't let the game play you. Acute.