Friday, March 29, 2013

Hear the River?

When we last spoke I was mentioning the fog in Whimbrel. Today we speak with bluebird sky and the songs of Spring in the air. My tongue has departed Whimbrel for now to indulge in the fruit that springtime in Bend has to offer. Today I have seen the violet-green swallow. One of my regions harbingers of spring and an alarm clock to the central Oregon outdoorsman. The bell has been rung and we can't put that toothpaste back in the tube.
Spring has sprung to coin another cheesy cliche.
This time around has been something even more overwhelming than the last multitude of overwhelming moments I've mentioned in this blog. I'm truly sorry it doesn't have to do with the sagebrush and the cowgirls, this time. Oh, wait, I think I just out metaphored my own damn self. Anyhow let's get back to the spring I'm talking about.
So I get this call. It was my phone ringing, I know redundant but I must spill my skill right now. So I answered my phone with the typical, "Hellllo..." No reply.......... Hmmm......I didn't know what to think other than a telemarketer or a prank. I love pranks, so I wanted to play along. As I waited for a reply with baited breath and a snicker on tap, I heard 3 words. 3 words that threw my for a loop. I didn't think prankers said that. I was a little off kilter for a response. It was kinda like learning the " 'I' before 'E' except after 'C' rule". Probably quite a bit like how you are feeling right now. So I responded off the cuff with a brief answer, "I've been here and I don't plan on leaving." I know, you want to know what the question was, right? Well let's just say I'll allude to that eventually.
As I waited for a response to my response, it sank in. I found it. She was always there but I had never found her the way I did that day. My answer was the golden ticket to my own question. Until I heard her say it, out loud, it never sank in. Many pages of scripture and related writings have been spent trying to explain what I just found and it was all summed up in 3 little words. I've known her all my life, it feels like, and for some reason I was blessed to get to know her once again. The love has always been the same and the bond is stronger than it's ever been.
In the short time I had to spend listening, she spoke much wisdom and kept a smile on my face. My confidence grew and somehow I felt like a superhero, like I could walk through walls, catch a bullet in my hand, and beat the capital 'O' in a footrace. She told me more, without saying more than 3 words, than I could have heard in a lifetime. My heart has grown and my smile has not left.
Perhaps if I haven't 'out metaphored' myself, it would appear that the sagebrush and the cowgirls have gotten a little closer to solving their battle. If I were the mediator, I would simply ask, "Hear the river?"

Let the ones you love know it! Keep the sunny side up, and don't take a poo while your lover is showering in the same bathroom. Carmen, OOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooot

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


     The fog was thick in Whimbrel as Ab made her way through the forested trail leading to the dump. After her last trip she was well aware that Caniday may be lurking. Still not sure how she felt about this critter that she had hand fed and nearly lost her finger to. Ab trudged on, she had a job to do regardless of who was in the forest. She could only see about an arms length in front of her face with the heavy fog and could only hear the battering surf on the shoreline not too far below. Ab was carrying a heavy load and felt the need to take rest midway through her journey. She found a comfortable log that was dry despite the thick humidity. Ab shrugged her load for a moment in order to relax her tired muscles. She was carrying a great deal of rubbish this trip. It was the week of celebration in Whimbrel, and much more rubbish was produced compared to a normal week. As she relaxed herself and began to let her hair loose from the tight braid she had used to keep her hair away from the refuse, she noticed something. Something seemed to be tugging at her hair. Ab had grown her hair as long as she had been alive. It was long to say the least. When she finally unfurled all of her lengthy locks she still felt something tugging on her head. She shrugged her head in order to relieve herself from the tug. It tugged back. Ab tugged the other direction with a great burst to free her hair from its confines. She tugged so hard, she yanked the tugger from its perch. The tugger was animal. Ab was startled and jumped from her rest. The animal was not happy and seemed to be caught up in Ab's hair. As Ab jumped to her feet, trying to flee the critter in her hair, the critter became more entangled in Ab's hair. Being dark and foggy Ab thought the worst as this critter wriggled around in her hair and seemed to become even more entangled. When you grow something all of your life, you become quite protective it and Ab didn't want to loose her hair, even more she didn't want to loose her life. As she jumped up off of her log to dismiss this critter, the critter landed at her feet, still entwined in some of Ab's locks. A bright pair of green eyes stared up at Ab. Ab's eyes stared back. Both of them confounded by what they were experiencing, looked back with confused eyes. Eye-to-eye these beings saw into each others soul and that explained everything they needed to know of one another.  Calmness ensued as Ab and the critter tried to wind their way out of the predicament they were in in. Both were reserved when faced this chaos and neither were upset. There seemed to be a recognition between the two. Neither wanted to hurt the other but they both wanted out of this situation. At that moment Ab had met something she had never met.  As she unwound the critter from its binding it began to make an unusual sound. This critter seemed to be vibrating, on its own. As each breath this critter breathed the vibrations would follow. This puzzled Ab. The critter seemed as if it was paying respect or rewarding Ab for rescuing it from it entangled web. This sound got louder as Ab reached out her hand and began to lightly pet the critters head. Ab had no idea what she was doing but it seemed to work. The critter became more and more docile to each loving touch Ab extended.
     The morning light began to come up over the bay and life was to begin again in Whimbrel. The village began its day as normal until someone noticed Ab had not returned from her chore. Most just thought she was out feeding that midden wolf and paid no mind. Some had ideas that Ab might have gotten into trouble with the wolf and went to look for her. Six or seven of the villagers went up the wooded trail leading to the dump to go and seek Ab.

    The morning turned to afternoon and still no sign of Ab. The six or seven villagers turned into the whole village out on a hunt to find Ab Initio.

Meanwhile, back in the woods Ab and her new friend had come to peace and started a rather special relationship. As the village looked for Ab, she was off-trail and enjoying the time she was spending with her new friend. The critter.

Tune in next time when we define "the Critter", why Ab is missing, and where the hell does the cat get involved? You're not too far away, so stay close. Here kitty, kitty, kitty.....

Sagebrush just kicked another cowgirl out of her saddle and that led to cowgirls going on a chainsaw spree so I don't expect any resolution anytime soon. What I do expect soon is you and I figuring out where the dog and cat came from.
Let the ones you love know it and be good to yourself.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Canus v. Felid

Welcome back. I know it's been a while and a long time to say the least. To get the ball rolling, we'll brief the subject of the Cowgirls and Sagebrush. To stoke the fire, we'll introduce you to the woman who introduced us to the dog and how the cat played a roll in all of our evolution.

First of all, the Sage and CG's are still at odds and the outlook still looks bleak. Neither one want to commit on any concessions toward bettering their current situation without the other one giving up more than they are comfortable to give. A familiar song I've heard since I knew what the word 'politics' has meant. As a mediator I've never been comfortable with 'one having too much' so I feel caught in the middle of their whoas. For now I'll let them be and see if war is imminent or if there is satisfaction at hand. If you want to get yourself between a rock and a hard place, step between these two. Sagebrush and Cowgirls are two of the orneriest critters you'll ever face. Great spirit be with ya! Good luck to both of ya and call me back when you feel like negotiating. Peacefully.

Now to begin our story of the month, quite possibly the year. The story of how I met the lady who introduced us to what we know as the common dog and how the common housecat played a role in how we all evolved.

This all began back on a dock in Whimbrel, Maine. A port city of not much prowess but it holds down the local economy. Whimbrel is mostly a lobster and haddock town as I made my visit. When I left, I knew Whimbrel as the town the dog first came to visit.

As the story goes, from old timers on the dock, as told to me: A wolf had been hanging around the midden pile and the discarded rubbish, the dump, that the citizens of the settlement had been using for nearly a year in the newly established compound. As the compound began to grow and as they discarded more and more edible waste, this wolf became more and more persistent. One woman noticed this wolfs persistence to gather as many scraps as it possibly could and then bolt back into the woods to presumably consume her bounty. The woman, Ab Initio, (only known by her name as handed down by her tribe) observed this wolf for nearly a year before she gave it the name of  'Caniday'. Caniday in her tongue meant "woman who gathers scraps."
The wolf, obviously female to Ab Initio, earned her name form her work. As Ab Initio watched Caniday, she learned that the wolf was becoming more assertive and less timid to her surroundings in the midden. Caniday became almost a part of the 'dump' and was now becoming a part of the town. As people would go to disregard their weeks garbage, they would see Caniday sitting on the hill above the dump and baying when they would arrive. She would welcome their arrival with a chipper 'bawr-bawr-bar-barkkkk' song and then take a position high above the midden awaiting her chance to come running down the hill to capture her treasures after the humans had left. This may sound like it happened yesterday, but it began centuries ago. Ab Initio was born in a time where man knew nothing about the dog, let alone knowing anything about the wild or the wolf. Her knowledge of Caniday was like yours and mine of dust-mites. We know they're here, but what do they do??  It was Ab Initio's job to find out and possibly befriend this critter that seems so unafraid of mans garbage, something man himself seems so afraid of.

Ab took it upon herself to find out why this beast was a threat to her own existence, and what it was all about? As Ab began to study this beast she realized that the beast was not a beast at all, but a loving mother. Trying to protect her young, that were secured in a nearby den. The dump was nothing but an easy food lot and gathering spot to help Caniday acquire essentials for her young. Ab soon realized that if she and her tribe left Whimbrel for any extended amount of time it would mean doom for Caniday. She knew Caniday had become dependent upon the refuse of the village.
Being the first human to take notice of the wolf, Ab was also the first human to take care of the wolf. Ab began to bring her own scraps to Caniday. First she would drop them off in a pile and then return to her  home. As it became known Caniday was not going to harm Ab, she began to try and hand feed this wolf. Things were going well until it became apparent that Caniday valued food more than human spirit. She bit Abs finger nearly off. As Caniday saw Abs' finger part hanging, she instinctively began to lick the finger that appeared to be torn.... Caniday had bitten the hand that had fed her. She immediately began to try & right her wrongs. So she thought. Ab wasn't so happy with Caniday and slapped her on the honches. Caniday hunched up and bolted away from Ab.

Part II coming soon...See what happened: was the fence was mended?...and ...why did the cat have anything to do with it?

Spoiler Alert:
Cani turned to look at Ab, but Ab fired back a glare of "why did you?, what did you?, you ungrateful......"

Tune in next week to find out if the wolf ever reconciles with the lady or if the lady ever tames the wolf and what the hell does a cat have to do with it? You'll see. It's cool, you just have to stay tuned and let me know you're here! Creativity is spawned from need to hear something new and untold........Let me know you listen.

Let the ones you love know it! and Love
Carmen OOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooot

No Dogs or Cats were harmed in this presentation
Only the human writing was severely....errrmpaired....."oh we'll figure it out, he ain't that bad"