Spring has sprung to coin another cheesy cliche.
This time around has been something even more overwhelming than the last multitude of overwhelming moments I've mentioned in this blog. I'm truly sorry it doesn't have to do with the sagebrush and the cowgirls, this time. Oh, wait, I think I just out metaphored my own damn self. Anyhow let's get back to the spring I'm talking about.
So I get this call. It was my phone ringing, I know redundant but I must spill my skill right now. So I answered my phone with the typical, "Hellllo..." No reply.......... Hmmm......I didn't know what to think other than a telemarketer or a prank. I love pranks, so I wanted to play along. As I waited for a reply with baited breath and a snicker on tap, I heard 3 words. 3 words that threw my for a loop. I didn't think prankers said that. I was a little off kilter for a response. It was kinda like learning the " 'I' before 'E' except after 'C' rule". Probably quite a bit like how you are feeling right now. So I responded off the cuff with a brief answer, "I've been here and I don't plan on leaving." I know, you want to know what the question was, right? Well let's just say I'll allude to that eventually.
As I waited for a response to my response, it sank in. I found it. She was always there but I had never found her the way I did that day. My answer was the golden ticket to my own question. Until I heard her say it, out loud, it never sank in. Many pages of scripture and related writings have been spent trying to explain what I just found and it was all summed up in 3 little words. I've known her all my life, it feels like, and for some reason I was blessed to get to know her once again. The love has always been the same and the bond is stronger than it's ever been.
In the short time I had to spend listening, she spoke much wisdom and kept a smile on my face. My confidence grew and somehow I felt like a superhero, like I could walk through walls, catch a bullet in my hand, and beat the capital 'O' in a footrace. She told me more, without saying more than 3 words, than I could have heard in a lifetime. My heart has grown and my smile has not left.
Perhaps if I haven't 'out metaphored' myself, it would appear that the sagebrush and the cowgirls have gotten a little closer to solving their battle. If I were the mediator, I would simply ask, "Hear the river?"
Let the ones you love know it! Keep the sunny side up, and don't take a poo while your lover is showering in the same bathroom. Carmen, OOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooot