Haha, snuck that one in ya. This blog goes out to all the lovely ladies (& Scottie O & Grindstaff who appear to be following this nonsensical trip through the ethosphere) who keep my spirits up and make this thing worth writing. Love you all, or as we do down south, love y'all. I know I'm not unlocking any of the great secrets of life in this foray through never-neverland but I hope to make someone aware of something they may not have considered being aware of before coming across this. I'm NOT preaching mind you. This is simply an opinion with room for argument and lot's of room to roam. WOW, room and roam made me think of buffalo. Deer and antelope come to mind, too. Buffalo are bad ass. They're big strong cattle that dont know what the hell a fence is. I love Buffalo. They're kinda like smart cattle but like stupid elk at the same time. I'll let you work that one out. It is true tho.....So once again this ship has navigated out of its shipping lane and I have lost all track of thought. Something about roaming and room... Not sure what that means right? You all are smart, you'll figure it out.
A cold snap came over the C.O. in the last few days and things have gotten "as cold as a nickel in a witches purse." Not sure what that means either but I thought it sounded better than "colder than a witches nipple in a cast iron bra." Anyway, it's cold outside. The roads are skating rinks, just the skaters are 3500 pound vehicles with rubber skates on. They're kinda scary. Especially the ones with CALIFORNICA license plates. Yea, I said Californica. I'm not ashamed, I was born here in Oregon, Bend to be precise, and I've seen more Californication than Los Angeles over the last 30 years. OK, back on track....The roads are greasy, and the temp is cold, the days are short and fall term is getting old. Turkey day is on the way and the cows are in the barn, so fix yourself a stiff one and burn the logs to warm. I know barn and warm dont rhyme but it was the best I could do on such short notice. Y'all have a happy, healthy, and safe turkey day. Much love to all who read this, all 6 of ya!!!
On the day cowgirls and sagebrush met the earth, there were some bargains to be made. Sagebrush had an issue with the cowgirls and the cowgirls had an issue with the Sage. Something had to give. Lots were swapped across the land, Sage had Cowgirl not driving her herd over the brush and Cowgirl had the Sage hold its word to not knock her off her horse, Sage carried on about being too far from its neighbor sage and cowgirl kept on about how many sage were getting in her way, and the battle raged into the dark hours of morning. The results of that battle are yet to come.....stay tuned.
Carmen oooooot..............
Oh yea, it snowed and I can't see the trees through the forest...or the cat................
No this wasn't me but I think seeing that in person would have added a couple of new grey hairs and a little extra weight to my skivvies......