Thursday, November 18, 2010

Empty Game Bag and an Empty Freezer

Let's get Tech Tales out of the way now. I went to computer class and learned about Google Documents (Docs). It's a cool place holder for files on the web and in the 'cloud' (what ever the heck that is.) Check it out if you need mobile storage accessible online anywhere. There's your Tech Tales.
Now on to bigger business.

Not only has the year 2010 failed to provide me with a working wage job, it has also kept my freezer as bare as Old Mother Hubbard's cupboard. I'm not complaining, I'm just getting This years hunting success (or lack there of) can be attributed to various reasons, one of them, being enrolled in school full time. The others are probably like, too many road sodas to find the hunting grounds, deer not coming onto winter range early enough, my f'd up boots, and the giant Bigfoot who keeps eating all my prey. It's been a tough year, to say the least. The cool thing is I have seen my prey, so I know it is still around, other than the deer Sasquatch keeps eating. I guess I'm just jealous he's eating and I'm not. Don't get me wrong, I'm eating fine. Pan-handling @ 3rd and Greenwood pays a good 42K a year ($17-$34 an hour,) so by no means am I in the poor house. I just hate my job and would rather hunt all day.
So anyway, I had the pleasure to go on a trip to EO (redkneck [that's how I spell it] for Eastern Oregon) to chase some of the west's most wily prey. The notorious Red-legged Partridge a.k.a. Chukar. I've always liked hunting chukar. It is a challenge and those lil birdies put all of your skills to the test. I figure at the ripe ol age of 24, I need the exercise, too. I mean who doesn't want to wake up at the crack of dawn, throw on some cold damp clothing you forgot to pull into the tent last night or at least leave by the fire pit, and go climb a 700' slope with an incline of 18%?? I know how it sounds and it truly sounds worse than it is. We were camped by a hot spring, so it softened the blow quite a bit. Once again I have driven this train off the track and should get back to the point here and now. So minus all the diversity (if you wanna call it that) I had one of the best times hanging out with old friends and meeting some new friends. Hunting camp always bonds a situation and renders things down to a common denominator. So there is no pretension, no bullshit, and everyone is focused on a common goal and there to enjoy the time spent in that environment. So, I think you can see why I would just like to hunt all day, everyday. There are some pics above if you want to see the beautiful country I got to explore this last weekend. Pics, compliments of Mike Grindstaff, one of the only photog's I know that can capture that land in all of its glory.
BTW, Sagebrush and Cowgirls were created on the same day. When the big Man (or Woman for you Goddess folk), threw down the mountains, he/she thought that they needed some decorations. Nothing fancy, just rough, raw, and rugged, much like the mountains themselves. This decor came in the way of sagebrush and cowgirls. *To Be Continued*

Carmen, ooooot

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